Get started with CIMA registeration with us today.

Apply for exemptions – If you have a previous financial or relevant qualification you should be able to apply for exemptions. Please note that exemptions are awarded only at CIMA’s discretion and that exemptions are only awarded on complete qualifications. CIMA cannot grant exemptions until you are a registered student.



Courses registration

Select course

CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting

CIMA Diploma in Management Accounting

CIMA Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting

CIMA Strategic Level

CIMA FLP Program

ICB Registration

ICB Exam Fees

ICB Subjects

ACCA Fundamental level

ACCA Professional Level

CFA Subjects

CIPS Subjects

AAT Subjects

AAT Optional units - you need to do two of these*

Legal declarationn of indemnnity and undertaking

14 + 1 =