Strategic Level

The Strategic level concentrates on making strategic decisions and providing the context for which those decisions will be implemented. Its focus is the long-term.


P3 Risk Management

P3 shows how to identify, evaluate and manage various risks that could adversely affect the implementation of the organisation’s strategy. It provides the competencies required to analyse, evaluate and apply the techniques, processes and internal control systems required to manage risk.
This insight is then used to manage the risks associated with both cash flows and capital investment decisions – two important areas of organisational life for which the finance function is responsible.

Weight Syllabus topic
20% A. Identification, classification and evaluation of risk
20% B. Responses to strategic risk
20% C. Internal controls to manage risk
20% D. Managing risks associated with cash flows
20% E. Managing risks associated with capital investment decisions

E3 Strategic Management

E3 builds on the insights gained from E1 and E2 about how organisations effectively implement their strategies by aligning their structures, people, process, projects and relationships.

E3 aims to develop the skills and abilities of the strategy’s leaders of the organisations, enabling them to create the vision and direction for the growth and long-term sustainable success of the organisation. This involves successfully managing and leading change within the process of strategy formulation and implementation.

Weight Syllabus topic
20% A. Interacting with the organisation’s environment
30% B. Evaluating strategic position and strategic options
20% C. Leading change
15% D. Implementing strategy
15% E. The role of information systems in organisational strategy

F3 Financial Strategy

F3 focuses on the formulation and implementation of financial strategy to support the overall strategy of the organisation. Using insights gained from F1 and F2, it provides the competencies to evaluate the financing requirements of organisations and the relative merits of alternative sources of finance to meet these requirements. Finally, it develops the competencies required to value investment opportunities including the valuation of corporate entities for mergers, acquisitions and divestments.

Weight Syllabus topic
25% A. Formulation of financial strategy
35% B. Financing and dividend decisions
40% C. Corporate finance

Exams for P3, E3 and F3

Format: computer based Objective Test
Availability: On demand at any of the 5000 Pearson VUE centres
Length: 90 minutes
Results: Result available immediately. Objective Tests are comprised of a range of items including short multiple-choice questions, number entry questions, drag and drop questions and other formats.

Strategic Level Case Study

The integrated case study exams combine the knowledge and learning across the three subjects. The case study exam aims to test the application of this knowledge to real life business scenarios and, in so doing, tests the higher-level skills of application, analysis and evaluation. The case study incorporates calculations, short answers and essays.
Apply the knowledge you have gained in the three subjects to reflect real-life work situations. You need to demonstrate and apply the following competencies:

Technical skills – 25%
Business skills – 25%
People skills – 25%
Leadership skills – 25%


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